Saturday, November 28, 2015

Sycamore 8--Friday Favorite

Sycamore 8 is my favorite local race.  About the only thing I don't like about it is that it's the first weekend in December, which means it is also on opening day of the shotgun deer season and the last weekend of Medicare Annual Election Period.  The stars have to align perfectly for me to be able to squeeze it in.  Unfortunately, they aren't lined up for next weekend.  But YOU can still register here.

The race director, Brad Dains, is top notch.  He's pretty impressive as a runner, but even better as a race director and all around good guy.  Here's what makes it my favorite local race.  In no particular order.

  • It's close to home for me.  Which means I don't need to drive there if I want to run or walk there.  
  • The weather both times that I've done it has not been above 80 degrees (I'm not much of a warm weather runner).  In fact, I don't think it's even been above zero.

  • The race finishes in a parking lot, so I can get warm, dry clothes right after the race instead of having to walk several blocks to my vehicle.
  • The proceeds go to a good cause (Central Iowa Trail Association)
  • A bus is available to take participants from the finish line to the start.
  • I am very familiar with the trail since I run and bike it often because of its convenient location.
  • Warm, tasty soup at the finish
  • Eight miles is enough of a distance to be a challenge, but not so long that it gets boring or I'm overly sore the next day.
  • (saving the best for last?)  Great swag.  I have plenty of t-shirts already.  From this race I've received a stainles steel pint "glass", a very nice bottle opener/key ring that I have attached to my computer bag, and an orange Buff that I use often.  This year there will be a small bag f "Sycamore Single Track" coffee.  Trail running and coffee.  Can't go wrong there.
Thank you, Brad, for directing my favorite race.  Someday I'll do it again.

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