Friday, November 13, 2015

Back Country--Friday Favorite

There's lots of excitement about the new REI opening last Saturday in West Des Moines.  I haven't been there yet, but my son is convinced that I'll be taking him there tomorrow.  I don't have anything against REI and own a couple of their sleeping bags and one of their backpacks, but I don't see them replacing Back Country as my favorite.  Not just for Friday, but every day.

When I say "Back Country" I don't mean the online retailer Back Country Outfitters.  I mean our local store whose website is    I'm not one of those people who says we should support local businesses simply because they are local.  I think we should support local businesses who do things better.  That's why I support them.

When I go into Back Country, I know I'm going to get personal service from a knowledgeable person who will remember me when I come back and who actually backpacks, camps, runs, etc.  I also know that I'll get a fair price.  It may not be lower than the discount outfitters (sometimes it is), but I know it will be close.  And I don't have to pay shipping or wait or have to drive across town.  Which means less time shopping and more time for fun!

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