Saturday, April 15, 2017

100 Day Commitment, Take Two

Since my first crack at Calvin Johansenn's 100 Day Commitment was that I would write every day for 100 days, most of it published on this blog, I figured I should at least write one blog post about my second 100 day commitment.  If you'd like to join us, you can get the details and sign up here.  100 Day Commitment. I encourage you to watch the video.  From having attempted and having marginal success in September of 2015, I would say his advice is spot on.  You choose your own challenge.

For this 100 days, I am committing to sleeping eight hours per night.  It will definitely be a challenge for me, as my standard operating procedure has always been to give up sleep whenever I get behind on things, despite knowing that this strategy is horrible for both my mental and physical health.  This will be especially challenging because I recently purchased another insurance agent's book of business, which has dramatically increased my work load.  On top of that, my wife's work responsibilities have increased lately, both my sons are in spring sports, and my older son will be graduating from high school soon.

Another factor is that I found out a couple of months ago that I have hypothyroidism (low thyroid levels).  Fatigue and poor concentration are symptoms of that.  They are also symptoms of sleep deprivation.  If I am not sleep deprived, that will give a better indication of whether or not the medication is working.  If I don't get enough sleep and am tired, we won't know if the medication needs to be changed because it's not working, or if I'm just tired.

I know that I will feel better physically and will have better concentration with work stuff when I get sufficient sleep consistently, but that's hard to measure.  I do have a couple of measurable things on the physical side, so I'm posting as a base to compare to at the end of the 100 days.  This morning I weighed in at 219#, which I think is a little skewed because I ate a big dinner late last night.  I think my "real" weight is more like 215 or 216#.  The other number I'm tracking is 18:38.  That was my time Thursday night at the Elkhart Time Trial.  Since I do that same race the 2nd Thursday of each month, that will give me a couple of comparison times.

I will be posting regular updates on Facebook.  I may or may not post here.  If do hope you join us.  Don't be fooled by the  fact that they let me in the group.  It really is a quality bunch.

1 comment:

Gulai Ayam Marketing said...